Am moving on - Yup, had been planning on moving over to a domain of my own. And now I finally decided to get some my own domain. Am still hosting the blog with blogspot. So the blog does not eat my bandwidth J. Thank you advertisers on
Relational DataStores - How good? An interesting updated by the twitter team about the scalability probs they are facing : They say that twitter was not exactly architected as a messaging system but for a content management system. But users started using
An old one What if MS designs the iPod package: I was just checking some old links i had and also attended a session from Jesse James Garrett, which reminded me of this youtube video.
An excellent Wikipedia entry - Lal Bihari Here's en excellent article on Lal Bihari. A person who post humously performed great deeds. Read it, pretty funny :)
What an empty src translates to!!!! Yesternight, while trying to debug a bug logged against our ASP.NET code, we crashed into a wierd problem. The scenario of the problem was: - We had an ASP.NET page. When opened in IE, the page seemed to be executing fine. But
Template Modified!!!! u must have seen all those loose endings which were present in my previous template... Finally i got rid of it. Have instead built it up using this new template. Of course, blogger, is giving me a horrible time :( Never faced such difficulties, it
while(true) { DoThingsYouDontEnjoy(); } Hmm, my last post as a 25 year old... after which the age variable increments! I know, my life currently seems to be on a recursive loop, with no dyanmic changes to the code between the open braces and the end braces. But surely
Catch me if you can If you had been following my vox blog [], you would have known that i started reading the book "Catch me if you can [
Concepts and their meanings While crawling the web as well as while working, i find many concepts. Some which i know/have heard of, and some concepts which i find really interesting or challenging. Yes, i usually dont get enough time to delve into the details about these
Learning Learning ends on my death bed - Sachin Nayak (2006) Blogged with Flock []
Inspired by... Some neat inspirational points to be inspired by Digital Samurai » Blog Archive » 14 things you can learn from the Google story [] In case you have not read the Google Story. READ IT!!! [
A web service to check for nudity I guess this is the first one of it's kind. Will try to incorporate this in some applications of mine Blogged with Flock []
Things money cannot buy There are many things money cannot buy. One of them is a computer on which Windows runs smoothly...... :S Blogged with Flock []
"Tagging" Yes, am back. I know it 's really been a long time since i last posted. But was having a busy time. Anyway, was just musing over the current trend, ok, lemme change that last word to "trends" of searching. 1.
Smartie, who me??? Guess who the smart guy is.... Ya, i finally decided to upload a neat photo of me, after that crappy one i had put last time. I guess i do look better off in colour than embossed. ;-)
Where am i? It gets mighty boring sometimes. Sitting here waiting for the next day to arrive. Trying in vain to prepare your own food. Knowing that you have to eat it, and there is no excuse. Not roaming around Europe even though i have the opportunity
Nerds Make Better Lovers To all the nerds outside: We knew it and now its official. Nerds make better lovers. Seriously meant but more a funny one I think. read more [] | digg story [
Google Dark v1.0b Released! Neat look for Google :-) I would use this if it was available. After hours of coding and debugging, Google Dark v1.0b (b for beta) has been released. Still needs a lot of work, but the basics are complete. read more [http://www.
When ESPN switched to CSS they saved 2 terabytes of bandwidth a day., the online sister of the ESPN cable networks, serves up more than half a billion page views every month, so when the home page of the site dropped all layout tables in favor of structural markup and CSS-driven layout, the Web design
One million hits without advertising? Dug up another story, Russell Mcgurk as a part of his "experiment" is trying to reach a million hits without advertising. Sounds cool, right? Full story : Media experiment aims for a million hits []. And web site
AJAX over ASP.NET Dug a neat article comparing the various frameworks for AJAX available for the ASP.NET platform. read more [] | digg story []
Comparision of various AJAX frameworks for ASP.NET Have been working on AJAX frameworks for ASP.NET especially Atlas []. Found this neat article comparing the various frameworks available for. read more [] | digg story [
One of those days Yup, having a bad stint right now. I guess everybody has it. One of those times when you feel sick of what you are doing, what you want to do, and what you dont want to do. But dont know why. Yup it known
Crap Work You'll know what crap work/stress means when you are sitting in a cubicle confined to doing EVERYTHING which is useless, knowing that doing it will no way help you in what you plan to become and being unable to shift out