Template modification completed!!! Finally, I got the template fixed :) Comments requested. Features provided: Not sure whether all are available on other browsers. We have a policy which prevents us from installing softwares not provided with Windows. * New colors * My photo * Minimize-Maximize panel, my favourite. Everybody seem to
Template Change Dont worry if the template looks bad right now. I screwed up with the template and am correcting it offline. I was bored with the old template
Imagine...an internet based world Was reading "The Google Story", when i got this wierd idea. Consider a stripped down version of Linux, meant only for doing simple things such as browsing the internet, to read from the various drives (which is primarily meant only for storage
Co-incidence? "Deadly thing, this inner voice. That's why most folks pretend they can't hear it. Or choose to drown it out. Because listening to it may mean acting in ways which are strange and unacceptable in society." These are
PARITRANA As if there were not enough political parties in India, another new one has been set up. But this does seem to be different. Paritrana [http://paritrana.org/index.html] has been started by a group of "well educated" (Most of them
Finally decided I have been having these various itch since quite some time. Both about what i am doing here (where i work) and what am i meant to do. Finally, i have decided "I need a job change". I guess IT services industry
Women are like Internet Explorer? Just could not help linking to "Some women are like Internet Explorer... [http://my.opera.com/eskils/blog/show.dml/92276]". Here a guy working for Opera [http://www.opera.com/] has given a comparision of various browsers to women. technorati tags:
Other Single Sign Ons? Tried adding a comment on a friend's livejournal [http://livejournal.com] blog, and it gave me an option of using an OpenId. Sounded interesting and i had to go and check what it is. Yup, as the title of this post suggests,
Flock, Flock, flocking Till now, i had no reason to shift to a different browser. I mean, what the hell, IE does work right? And most of the web administrators do keep in mind IE, considering the number of persons using IE. So why did i have
REST -- No i was not resting Firstly, no i am not dead (how surprising!!!). Was busy with work, and later was busy with how to get out from work. During the past few days, i am observing some changes. Changes over the net, changes in my attitude towards my official
Blog power Blog power, do you believe in it? Summary: 1. Gaurav Sabnis [http://gauravsabnis.blogspot.com/] blogs a link to an article to a magazine called JamMag. 2. The "concerned party" in the article issues a legal (?) notice on him via email. 3.
Attensa Found a superb aggregator called Attensa [http://www.attensa.com]. It's an MS Outlook attachement, and retrieves all my RSS feeds. Finally i dont need to go to blog lines any more. They referred to another site called Del.icio.us [http:
The fight is in the open Been busy lately and so have not managed to post for quite long. But I just had to post this. This post is dedicated to all persons who dont know anything about the fight between MS and Google: Check out the links starting from:
The fight gets hotter Been observing since past few days. Is Start copying google??? Or is it the other way. But anyway i am keeping accounts in both. If you don't know what i am talking about: Check, start.com/myweb [http://start.com/myweb] http:
Single Sign ons Suddenly struck me.....Are'nt single sign ons becoming popular? First it was Microsoft with their Passport. Now google suddenly seems to be moving towards it. If you dont know what i mean check their, personalized google [http://www.google.com/ig], Search
It shows me the blog does not exist Bloglines seemed to be showing me that there is some problem with my blog's atom feed
My first problem with AJAX I was using Callback (AJAX) to retrieve a page i had developed . Lets start all over, I was using AJAX to retrieve a part of the contents of a web page. Cool, simple, it downloaded without a pain, then I innerHTMLed it to a
Just Thinking.... Think.... A web service (or maybe just a ASP page) renders and serves an XML generated based on the inputs passed to it. A web browser picks it up, uses XSLT to transform it into a lovely page. And what do you get, an
B.O.F.H. Was browsing the net, and found some old link to BOFH. Not sure as to how many used to read PCQuest some time back when it used to come, but i remember reading them, with of course re-reads and re-re,etc...i can go
Me...nostalgic???? Sounds impossible right? Me, victimized. And i had always assumed that i have no chances of remembering that place which everyone used to call "Engg. College". Guess i am human cos i had this sudden rememberance, of college. or to be more exact, the time
Add-ins for Reflector Remember the post "Wondering what happens inside those .NET classes? [http://sachinnayak.blogspot.com/2004/10/wondering-what-happens-inside-those.html] ", where i mentioned about "Reflector". Well, I found some really tooo goood add-ins for them :D. (I had not known about the
Will(s)Power Realization dawns...... Lots of Will power is required to shift away from Wills Power. I guess 75% of the presons who read this, will understand what i am talking about.:D
Exploiting Ajax This XmlHttpRequest thingie (aka Ajax as pointed out by Rakesh), is getting INTO my blood. Can't help it, the features provided are really good. Gone are the days when we required to call form.submit(), everytime we needed to validate simple items,
News Feature Enough of idle minds' posts. Instead got down to the engines of coding and coded the "Top News Stories", available on the right :D, on the side bar. Initially on load of the page, i was planning to show all the
Idle mind is a devil's work shop 2 Was bored with the looks of the blog. So changed my template. As usual, noticed that none of the templates provided by blogger [http://www.blogger.com] suit my personality. Have decided to re-design and bring out a new template. Till then, this will